Amazing facts about car engine
Just like everything has pros and cons, we've many facts and figures about almost everything. The same applies to the car & its engine too. Now you must be wondering how a car engine can have some exciting facts related to it? Well, don't worry. We've got a list of top 15 amazing facts about a car engine. And if you are looking to Buy Used Transmission in USA then contact us. 1: In the year 1985, a world record for replacing an engine within 42 seconds was registered that includes the removal of the old engine and replacement of another one. 2: If you compare 22 standard Corvette engine, you'll find its power equivalent to that of top fuel 10,000 Horse Power Race car's engine. That's too great. Isn't it? 3: To lift 550 LBS 1 foot in the air for 1 second, you need 1 Horsepower. That means you continuously need 60 HP engine to push something in the air for a minute. 4: As per the manual and official calculation of the horsepower, it is ...